
Baking Soda as a Carbon Sink

By Stephen Bolen,

Published on Mar 11, 2023   —   1 min read

Photo by JJ Ying / Unsplash


Direct Air Capture has traditionally not been a terribly efficient means to remove CO2 from the air. That may be set to change.

CNN Reports that scientists have set out a way to suck carbon pollution from the air, turn it into sodium bicarbonate, and store it in oceans. The article cites the research, published in the journal Science Advances.

The abstract is below:

Direct air capture (DAC) is important for achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. However, the ultradilute atmospheric CO2 concentration (~400 parts per million) poses a formidable hurdle for high C02 capture capacities using sorption-desorption processes. Here, we present a Lewis acid-base interaction–derived hybrid sorbent with polyamine-Cu(II) complex enabling over 5.0 mol of C02 capture/kg sorbent, nearly two to three times greater capacity than most of the DAC sorbents reported to date. The hybrid sorbent, such as other amine-based sorbents, is amenable to thermal desorption at less than 90°C. In addition, seawater was validated as a viable regenerant, and the desorbed C02 is simultaneously sequestered as innocuous, chemically stable alkalinity (NaHCO3). The dual-mode regeneration offers unique flexibility and facilitates using oceans as decarbonizing sinks to widen DAC application opportunities.

Obviously, more research would be needed to determine if the technology is ready to be trialed, but this feels - to me - like a promising bit of sustainable innovation.

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