
Hey! We're really doing Swords to Ploughshares

By Stephen Bolen,

Published on Sep 9, 2024   —   1 min read

Photo by Frédéric Paulussen / Unsplash


CNN Reports on how the U.S. is dismantling nuclear warheads to product enriched uranium to power next-generation reactors.

CNN has a brief report on a new initiative to produce enriched uranium for next-generation reactors by dismantling parts of the U.S. nuclear stockpile. It looks like we're actually doing swords to ploughshares!

The US is dismantling nuclear warheads to power next-gen reactors | CNN
The US used to get most of its enriched uranium from Russia. Now scientists and companies are racing to produce it at home.

Inside a highly classified facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee — the same facility that enriched uranium for the first atomic bomb in the era of the Manhattan Project — workers are turning old, unexploded warheads into fuel that will power cities.

The recipe to create advanced reactor fuel involves melting weapons-grade uranium with low-enriched uranium in a crucible — a massive, metal cauldron heated to around 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit to turn its contents into molten soup.

Emerging from its furnace, a glowing orange cast filled with the hot liquid uranium is slowly lowered into a cooling chamber. The hardened finished product, which looks like black charcoal, can be safely held in-hand.

This fuel is set to power the next generation of America’s nuclear reactors — small, modular power stations that are easier and cheaper to build. They require far less upkeep and physical space than the aging fleet of large nuclear power plants.

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