Hell yeah. NYMag reports:
There has never been a self-immolation quite like Meta Platforms, the parent company of Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg’s social-media company has lost more than half a trillion dollars in market value since its August peak — about half of that vaporized in a single day, the biggest drop ever — as it starts to weaken from the constant siege of competitors and dissenters without and within.

I'm not going to tell anyone how to live their lives – especially online. But the fall of Facebook as a disinformation platform hell-bent on engagement at any costs has been a sheer pleasure to watch. I've lost friends that I've known for decades due to their toxic idiocracy in the lead-up to the 2016 election. I've seen family drift into conspiracy theories hook, line, and sinker, then double – and triple! – down on being confidentially incorrect.
It's a toxic platform, and I'm enjoying the comeuppance.