
NPR: For the first time, wind power eclipsed both coal and nuclear in the U.S.

By Stephen Bolen,

Published on Apr 14, 2022   —   1 min read

Photo by Thomas Reaubourg / Unsplash


More renewable sources, please.

NPR, with some news you can absolutely use:

On March 29, wind turbines produced more electricity than coal and nuclear, the U.S. Energy Information Administration, an agency that collects energy statistics for the government, says. In the past, wind-powered electricity has gone beyond coal and nuclear on separate days, but this was the first time wind surpassed both on the same day. Natural gas is still the largest source of electricity generation in the country.

A great day, for sure, but NPR points out that "according to EIA projections, wind is not expected to surpass any other method in any month of 2022 or 2023."

We've still got a lot of work to do!

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