Aurora Borealis in St. Louis
It's not every day that you can see both a total solar eclipse AND aurora borealis within a month of each other.
It's not every day that you can see both a total solar eclipse AND aurora borealis within a month of each other.
France took baby steps to ground CO2 emitting planes on short-haul flights, but didn’t quite go far enough.
The U.S. is set to enact its most ambitious climate regulations to date through EPA rules changes on tailpipe emissions.
The island nation of Vanuatu won an historic U.N. vote to establish obligations countries have to address for the climate crisis.
Thanks to technology advances in the renewable energy space, it’s now $12 per mWh cheaper to use new solar than burn coal.
Super-fast EV charging is around the corner, thanks in part to scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy and an ML algorithm.
The IEA predicts that over the next 5 years, the world will increase renewable power capacity by 75%.
Wealthy nations are, for the first time, forcing themself to be accountable for their role in warming the planet.
Odd that all of these right-to-work states are getting all the EV and Battery factories, innit?
When whales die, their carcasses sink to the bottom of the sea, sequestering tons of carbon.