St. Louis CITY SC was unceremoniously bounced out of the MLS Playoffs by cross-region rival Sporting Kansas City on Monday night, losing a home-and-away series to a clearly superior side. Sporting Kansas City had an incredible run of form after dropping their first 10 games of the season to eek in to a play-in game as the #8 seed in the west.
Of course, it had to be Kansas City. Had to.

Bah, humbug.
I love sports. After graduating college, I started a company centered on sports - the Sports Cartel Blog Network - before the idea of blogging-as-career really took off. I got to truly do what I loved: watch as much football, baseball, hockey, and basketball as I could... then write about it at length. I learned a lot about entrepreneurship and - being frank - sucked at it (now you know why I had to go get an MBA with a concentration in Entrepreneurship & Emerging Enterprises).
All this to say: this season of watching St. Louis CITY SC take the pitch week-after-week and cheering them on from the stands has been one of the coolest experiences of my life. While the end of the season was clearly suboptimal, it was still 8 months of incredible highs that I wouldn't trade for anything (except an MLS Championship trophy or Spporters Shield, obviously).