NPR: For the first time, wind power eclipsed both coal and nuclear in the U.S.
More renewable sources, please.
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More renewable sources, please.
COVID Lockdown and remote work helped to uncover a Cholesteatoma destroying bones in my middle ear. Thanks?
The worst company on Earth, for sure.
The future of work is hybrid.
Not gonna lie: I'm really excited about the Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga game.
Noodler's Baystate Blue ink is beautiful, but with some lookouts that are easy to overcome.
Louis DeJoy is a pox on our planet. Let 'em drive EVs, you ghoul!
You can hate doing taxes, but hate them with a lower-cost alternative, like FreeTaxUSA.
You want a side of isolation with that broken-down McFlurry machine?
3 BTC a day keeps the planet away.